Thursday, August 12, 2010


Long lapse in posting, huh? I promise I have a good reason. Last week, we were unexpectedly called out of town due to a death in the family. Promptly upon returning, I contracted the kind of flu that makes you want to give up on life.

The funeral we attended was in Grundy, VA. Ever heard of it? I would be surprised if you have. You see, I'm descended from a long line of crazy mountain people. Grundy is an old coal mining town that is so far west into Virginia that it's almost in Kentucky. I haven't been to Grundy since I was a wee Mel P. Growing up with so many stories about the antics my family were up to "back in the day," I was anxious to see the place.

Prior to leaving, we booked our room at the motel. I was a little concerned when Google maps showed the location as being in the same spot as the YMCA.

For now, I will leave you with that teaser. I'll be back soon with a few Grundy pics and a post about The Hub's birthday party!

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